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Day 5 Hebrews 3:1-6

Read Hebrews 3:1-6

I am loving Lego Masters on the telly at the moment. Contestants compete in various challenges to design and build incredible structures out of every kids favourite building block. These folks are good! 

In today’s passage, we see that it is Jesus who is our apostle, high priest and our great builder! 

Jesus is an apostle in the sense that He is the Father’s servant, one who is sent by God to be our Saviour. 

Jesus is the high priest (a concept that will be explored in greater detail later in chapter 4) in that He is our supreme ambassador as one who stands before us and God. When the Father looks at us, he sees His Son! And in order for us to look to the Father, we are to look to Jesus.  

We also see that Jesus is the faithful master-builder of God’s house! Instead of Lego, his building blocks are God’s people, and He is building us together into God’s house. This house is the temple, no longer made of stone but of flesh.

In this regard, Jesus is compared to Moses, that great servant who was faithful in God’s house as both a servant and priest, not a builder of the house, but one who was part of God’s house, and led God’s people out from under the slavery of Egypt to the promised land. Jesus is greater than Moses, as the Son of over His house, perfectly faithful to His Father and through His death frees us from the bondage of sin and through his resurrection promises us eternal rest and life with God (see 4:3).


  1. The author of Hebrews highlights faithfulness in the lives of Jesus and Moses. What should Christian faithfulness look like for you, especially in our current context?
  2. We’re told to consider Jesus and his work. How does this aid and fuel our faithfulness?
  3. What does holding on to our confidence and boasting in our hope look like from day to day? How does the author use the conditional “if” to encourage us and solidify our hope in Christ and in his work for our salvation?


Father God, thank you that Jesus is the great builder, and that He is building me into a better person. Help me to be a greater servant than I am now, to love and to serve others for your house. Amen.