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Safe Ministry

View Our Policy & Code of Conduct
View Breaking the Silence website
View other Safe Ministry Resources

At St Aidan’s we want to be a church that reflects God’s love and care for all people, especially the vulnerable. We believe that God has made himself very clear about how we should treat one another. In the book of Genesis God says that all people are created in His image, with inherent worth and dignity, and all people should be treated accordingly (Genesis 1:27; Matthew 22:36-40)

Practicing Safe Ministry means we are proactive about protecting those who are vulnerable, and we take seriously our responsibility to care for those who may be subject to abuse.

All leaders and those working with children and young people require ‘Breaking the Silence’ training, as well as a current Working with Children Check verified by the Conduct Protocol Unit (CPU) of the Presbyterian Church of NSW.

Our denomination has adopted this Statement on Domestic and Family Violence. Included in the statement is a recommendation that Sessions:

“identify to the congregation several people, including women, whom members could approach for pastoral care and support if they are facing domestic and family violence.” If you ever need to reach out to someone about these matters, then we encourage you to speak with the following people or our Pastors and Elders.

9 O’Clock Church – Ingrid Virgona & Brooke Scriven; Ten30Church – Carin Cumberlege, Lucy Woodhouse, Lyn Armstrong; Church@5 – Karen Davidson & Deb Sewell.

Carin Cumberlege is our church representative overseeing all aspects of Safe Ministry. She would be pleased to speak with you about questions or concerns you may have.

Carin Cumberlege

Contact email


Concerns and Complaints

We are exhorted in the Bible to make every effort to be at peace, however within the church occasions of conflict will arise from time to time. To assist us in working through these matters in a godly manner we have adopted the following guide developed by our Presbytery:

A guide to raising and resolving concerns and complaints within our churches