Who we are
We’re a bunch of ordinary people who’ve discovered the wonderful truth that even though we are more broken and sinful than we would ever dare to admit, through Jesus Christ we are also more wonderfully loved and cherished than we could ever imagine. Jesus has become our great treasure, and we’d love to help you know and live in light of that treasure too.
Each Sunday we join our hearts in the worship of God, hear him speak through his Word, the Bible, and respond to Him in faith and obedience as his Spirit leads us. We also gather in smaller groups throughout the week in order to grow together in God’s grace, and there are ministries for everyone to be involved in as we seek to share the good news of Jesus in our city.
We are part of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, though our members are from a variety of denominational backgrounds. This means we are led by a group of elders including our minister and a bunch of other leaders among our members.