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To enable future ministry and growth

In recent years we have made a bold decision to purchase the adjoining ‘Tulloch Lodge’ property. We invite you to partner with us prayerfully and financially to enable ministry and growth into the future.

After many years of conversation, plans, and prayer we have begun to take steps forward toward our property redevelopment goal. The latest information is found in the following newsletter update, alongside a pledge form to give toward this project. Click the links to download here:

  1. Property update – Dec 2023
  2. Pledge Form

Giving to the St Aidan’s Building Fund

Account name: ‘St Aidan’s Building Fund’
BSB number: 012 823 
Account number: 305 443 523

You may also consider leaving a bequest to St Aidan’s for future gospel work, follow this link for further details. ‘Wills and Bequests’

Tulloch Business Offices

If you are a business owner and would like more information about leasing office space in the Tulloch Lodge Building, please go to for more information.